The progrock.MultiProgress class is used in conjunction with the methods exposed at the module level such as progrock.increment() to create a full-screen experience allowing the user to track the progress of individual processes as they perform their work.

This module is meant as a complement to multiprocessing.Process and provide an easy to use, yet opinionated view of child process progress bars.

class progrock.MultiProgress(title=None, steps=None, value=0)

The MultiProgress class is responsible for rendering the progress screen using curses. In addition, it can wrap the creation of processes for you to automatically pass in the multiprocessing.Queue object that is used to issue commands for updating the UI.

If you do not pass in a title for the application, the Python file that is being run will be used as a title for the screen.

If you pass in steps, a progress bar will be centered in the footer to display the overall progress of an application. The bar can be incremented from the parent process using MultiProgress.increment_app() or if you’re incrementing from a child process, you can call progrock.increment_app() passing in ipc_queue.

  • title (str) – The application title
  • steps (int) – Overall steps for the application
  • value (int) – Overall progress value for the application
add_process(process, status='Initializing', steps=100, value=0)

Add a process to the MultiProgress display. The process must already have been started proior to invoking this method.

  • multiprocessing.Process – The process to add
  • status (str) – The status text for the process box
  • steps (int|float) – The number of steps for the progress bar
  • value (int|float) – Current progress value for the process

If using the application progress bar, increment the progress of the bar.

Parameters:value (int) – The value to increment by. Default: 1

Initialize the MultiProgress screen. Should only be invoked if not using the MultiProgress instance as a context manager. If the instance MultiProgress instance is used as a context manager, this is done automatically.

new_process(target, name=None, args=None, kwargs=None, status='Initializing', steps=100, value=0)

Create and start new multiprocessing.Process instance, automatically appending the update queue to the positional arguments passed into the target when the process is started. Once the process is created, it is added to the stack of processes in MultiProgress, bypassing the need to invoke MutiProgress.add_process().

  • target (method) – The method to invoke when the process starts
  • name (str) – Process name
  • args (tuple) – Positional arguments to pass into the process
  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments to pass into the process
  • status (str) – The status text for the process box
  • steps (int|float) – The number of steps for the progress bar
  • value (int|float) – Current progress value for the process



Shutdown MultiProgress screen. Must be called if the MultiProgress instance is not being used as a context manager. If the instance MultiProgress instance is used as a context manager, this is done automatically.

progrock.increment(ipc_queue, value=1)

Increment the progress value for the current process, passing in the queue exposed by MultiProgress.ipc_queue and automatically passed into the target function when creating the process with MultiProgress.new_process.

progrock.increment_app(ipc_queue, value=1)

Increment the progress value for the application, passing in the queue exposed by MultiProgress.ipc_queue.


Restart the start time of a process, passing in the queue exposed by MultiProgress.ipc_queue and automatically passed into the target function when creating the process with MultiProgress.new_process.

Parameters:ipc_queue (multiprocessing.Queue) – The IPC command queue

Reset the progress value for the current process, passing in the queue exposed by MultiProgress.ipc_queue and automatically passed into the target function when creating the process with MultiProgress.new_process.

Parameters:ipc_queue (multiprocessing.Queue) – The IPC command queue
progrock.set_app_step_count(ipc_queue, steps)

Set the number of steps for the application, passing in the queue exposed by MultiProgress.ipc_queue.

progrock.set_status(ipc_queue, status)

Set the status of current process, passing in the queue exposed by MultiProgress.ipc_queue and automatically passed into the target function when creating the process with MultiProgress.new_process.

progrock.set_step_count(ipc_queue, steps)

Set the number of steps for current process, passing in the queue exposed by MultiProgress.ipc_queue and automatically passed into the target function when creating the process with MultiProgress.new_process.

  • ipc_queue (multiprocessing.Queue) – The IPC command queue
  • steps (int) – The number of steps for the current process
progrock.set_value(ipc_queue, value)

Set the progress value for the current process, passing in the queue exposed by MultiProgress.ipc_queue and automatically passed into the target function when creating the process with MultiProgress.new_process.
